Thursday, 9 August 2012

Gay Folks Do

Yes, I know I am on a summer break...BUT...I would like to encourage readers to click on to the link below as I think it is very important for everyone in societies worldwide that this absurd notion about gay people needing to be ‘cured’ is killed off once and for all.

Sexuality has to be in the genes. How else can there be millions of us worldwide from all kinds of socio-cultural-religious backgrounds?  The less enlightened among the heterosexual majority need to change the record and get real.


A reader, 'Anton'  has asked me to repeat the link (again) to my informal poetry reading on the 4th plinth in  Trafalgar Square in 2009 as part of Antony Gormley's  One and Other 'live sculpture' project. Be warned, it lasts an hour:


Creative writing or any kind of creativity for that matter is a wonderful therapy. Don’t worry about being any good at it or not, just focus and go ahead; it is always a worthwhile exercise.

Now, I am not having as relaxing a break as I would like and am experiencing a lot of unexpected stress. As always, writing poems - especially love poems - helps relieve that stress and I would like to share this one with you today.


There is a fire in me
that burns night and day,
but they say
it can’t possibly be love
because we’re gay
and everybody knows
gay folks
don’t do love, only camp,
butch and sex

There is a light in me
that shines night and day
but they say
it can’t have anything to do
with spirituality
since everybody knows
gay folks
only have time for sexual

There is a voice in me
that sings night and day
about life, love,
and the sheer beauty
of being gay,
loving someone who loves
me too,
Earth Mother watching
over us

Copyright R. N. Taber 2012

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