Sunday, 5 July 2015

Getting Real with Dreams

Gay men and women have come a long way in the equality stakes since I was a schoolboy and young man forced into a cold, dark, closet because gay relationships were a criminal offence here (until 1967). Even so, many gay people around the world remain in that closet because they are growing up in a gay-unfriendly home and/or school and/or work environment.

I am nearly 70 now but well recall dreaming about being openly gay. Making dreams come true, though, is easier said than done; there is nearly always a price to pay. It is invariably a price worth paying, in the longer term at least. In the shorter term, it can take some family members and friends a while to get used to the idea; sadly, of course, some never do.

I often receive emails from gay men and women who seem to think I am living in the Dark Ages and assure me no one has a problem with same sex relationships these days. Where no one has a problem with their relationships, I am very happy for them. Unfortunately, it is not true for everyone. [If 'gays have never had it so good' why is it that many gay men and women continue to marry each other to keep certain family members, so-called 'friends' and religious/community leaders off their backs while pursuing as great a degree of self-fulfillment in sexual relationships as any closet relationship will allow?]

As I have pointed out before, and it is worth repeating, same sex relationships remain a criminal offence in many countries; in some, punishable by death. 

Even where gay relationships are legal, not everyone approves or hesitates to express their contempt, especially when taking certain socio-cultural-religious views into account. While I hope most if not all gay readers will enjoy the blog, it is especially intended to encourage gay boys and girls, men and women to feel  GOOD about themselves where only too often others, even loved ones, remain inclined to despise them for it. (I may have been openly gay for many years now, but recall only too well how that feels.) 

Being gay is not a personal choice, but simply how we are. Our only choice turns on how far we are prepared to admit even to ourselves that we are gay, and what (if anything) we are prepared to do about it. 

No one should be condemned for coming out of the closet; similarly, no one should be condemned  for remaining in it for whatever reason. We all have freedom of choice. Sadly, few of us are always able to choose freely.

Photo by A. B., 2015


Moon on still waters,
sky the deepest blue,
no stars to guide me,
only dreams of you…

Moon myths exploring
all shades of sexuality,
calling us out by name,
affirming our humanity

Moon on still waters,
bringing us together,
gay lovers redefining
our happy-ever-after

Moon myths exploring  
human time and space,
saluting its gay history,
boldly marking its place

Moon on still waters,
living, eternal, womb
for the Spirit of Love,
Earth, its lasting tomb

Copyright R. N. Taber 2015

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