Thursday, 5 November 2020

No Comment OR Silent Witness

Someone once asked me why people hold grudges. From personal experience, I would say it is because many would rather suffer in silence than risk … what? Being made to look, foolish or small-minded for one thing, proven wrong for another; the possibilities are endless and invariably negative. 

So, what of the positives like clearing the air, preventing estrangement, staying friends … - a shorter list, perhaps, but far more important, surely, to achieve the better result? 

I have said before and will almost certainly say again, in the course of a post-poem, how fortunate, indeed, are those with families and friends willing to talk any differences through and agree to differ rather than burn good bridges. (Let’s face it, none of us are perfect, most of us far from it.)

Whoever emerges winner of the U.S. presidential election, it is clear that America is a very divided country' we can but hope that Democrats and Republicans will start talking to rather than at each other and find common ground in healing rather than deepening its divisions. (Not, as a rule, the nature of world politics perhaps, but in everyone's interests,surely, not least its own?)


I love festive occasions,
am invariably at the centre of things,
places all but brimming over
with joy, enthusiasm, peace, love,
and no reason to suspect
such goodwill cannot last for years
(or hours, at least);
everyone made welcome who’s at mine
for the feast 

Made only too often aware
of flaws in human nature by tête-à-tête
leaving nothing to imagination,
I can’t help but overhear, left wondering
what on earth is going on
between mother and daughter, father
and son, brother and sister,
as best friend to another, and how on earth
will it all end? 

Although I rarely chance to see
beyond my surrounds, I’m of two minds
whether or not I really care;
all human life is here, and I no judge, juror
nor executioner, if tempted
(frequently) to bang heads together, make
people see the hurt they cause
by taking in third party rumour as and when
they choose

Me, I’m but a table, no say in, just looking on
at what passes for civilisation

Copyright R. N. Taber 
(Nov. 5th, 2020) 

[Note: his post-poem appears on both poetry blogs today as requested by reader A. J.] 


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