A reader wonders why the Government here are prepared to put people at risk by relaxing Covid-19 safety regulations for Christmas, but not other religious celebrations that have come and gone since the pandemic began. We are, he reminds us, a multicultural society, after all. A good point, I think, although I do not subscribe to any religion myself other than a feeling for Pantheism..
Whatever, we are a common humanity, after all.
Another reader asks for " … at least one more Christmas poem to see us through what may well be a very difficult time for many of us this year.”
Hopefully, today’s poem may go some way towards satisfying both readers.
Take care, everyone,
It’s redbreast’s song bursts on my ears
as at my window I watch snowflakes fall,
missing you so, wishing we could share
such gifts of love as meant for one and all
In the distance, I can hear bells bringing
tidings meant to fill sad hearts with cheer,
spread thoughts of peace and goodwill
where much of the world left living in fear
Caught in a window’s wintry reflection,
I watch tearstained faces reach for the sky,
weepy eyes smiling for a moment divine,
as Apollo drops by and blesses us, you and I
This mind-body-spirit uniting with yours,
though Covid-19 bent on keeping us apart;
love, it makes us one, and all the stronger,
for distance means little to the human heart
It’s Love’s song, bursting Christmas at its seams
with humanity's dearest desires and dreams…
Copyright R. N. Taber, 2020
[Note: This poem also appears on my general poetry blog today.] RT
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