Sunday, 3 January 2021

Life Forces, Life Choices OR Home Truths, Darkness and Light

Sleep can bring rest and peace, but it can also create a disturbingly mixed bag of thoughts and possibilities that happen to be preying on mind-body-spirit at any given time. 

With any luck, the first light of dawn will bring to bring an awakening to reality, truth or whatever it is we recognise as being the ultimate source of the disturbance…or not, as the case may be. 

Such is the vulnerability of human nature that we don’t always recognise and/ or accept what goes on behind such closed minds as bearing little if any resemblance to our own … until sleep sets certain underlying life forces upon us that dwell in the subconscious, demanding we see and make choices… for better or worse. 

There were times as a child when I’d need the light on to fall asleep because I was afraid of the dark, not least for its offering no comfort and reassurance the way light does. Many adults as well as children are feeling much the same way now, especially in an everchanging situation and the failure of some governments - including here in England - to recognise the effects of changing its mind at short notice regarding what steps are best taken to control the spread of the coronavirus variant on ordinary people as well as businesses. 

Yes, vaccines are on the way and there is light at the end of the tunnel, but it is a very long tunnel and we need more light now. Government may be’ led by the science’ but it would help us all to have some light shed on just what that science is, and who is advising whom on what… 


Patches of blue
starting to spread across gloomy skies,
signs of sunlight
struggling to break through,
make a difference
to poor humanity, battling against
a coronavirus
threating to defeat even the most positive
among its thinkers 

Apollo, never one
to surrender to the Forces of Darkness,
better known
for retreating awhile to let the stars
buy us time
to bring all the Powers of Light
into play,
among them, life forces able to bring humanity
to its senses 

Come, light of day,
despatching nightmares into such free fall
as Fear knows
only too well, Hope getting a grip,
inciting Courage
to call its bluff, see off such bullies
as Jealousy, Bigotry,
Hate and Hypocrisy, make them drink of the milk
of human kindness 

See Apollo re-emerge,
in time to call the bullies’ bluff for giving
time enough to reflect on various
alternatives - to
(far) better means to whatever it seeks
than being left
having to justify any solution for as good an answer
as any, right or wrong 

Copyright R. N. Taber, 2021



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