Saturday, 20 October 2012

Rites Among Men

When I was a young man I’d go cruising known gay areas for love, knowing full well that all I was ever likely to find was sex; it was both an exciting and despairing experience.

Sometimes, though, lonely people really do strike gold …


There was a time I was in love with love;
every man I met was the one for me;
each night I’d gaze at the bright stars above,
wishing for someone to be there for me

Again and again, I’d mistake lust for love,
reeling from foolishness, loss and pain
till one night, gazing at those stars above,
you came, stayed, put a hand in mine

Two lonely men cruising, out for a thrill,
we believed in that first sad kiss;
your mouth, arms, body heat in for the kill
found me baring my heart for sacrifice

Old gods applauding among stars above,
we rediscovered ancient rites, made love

Copyright R. N. Taber 2005; 2012

[Note: This poem has been slightly revised (2012) from the original version as it appears in 1st eds. of A Feeling For The Quickness Of Time by R. N. Taber, Assembly Books, 2005.]

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