Sunday, 8 February 2015

LGBT, a Global Consciousness

Not so long ago, someone  expressed genuine concern that I will go to hell for being gay and rejecting a ‘decent’ way of life.

The way I see it, we make our own hell here on earth if we so choose. As for any heaven…who knows?

As for LGBT men and women rejecting a decent way of life? Who says so? For a start, people who know no better.

If bigotry - in all its ugly shapes  and forms - is not weighing heavily not on the world's conscience, it damn well should be.


Some say there is no room for LGBT
men and women in a place some have chosen  
to call Heaven since no God would condone
the carnality enjoyed by the world’s gay men
and women. (Holy Books, manuals of spirituality,
inspiring judgement on homosexuality…?)

So who are they who rage against LGBT
neighbours brazenly ‘betraying’ a natural gender
to which we are born, love to pit humankind
against its own on the grounds of this culture,
that religion, claiming to fly with doves yet siding
with hawks? Blameless, just human…?

Voices, raging on against an LGBT ethos,
suggesting we can but rely on political correctness
to win the day (no hiding place for hypocrites);
raised voices proclaiming gay men and women
cannot be forgiven their awful ‘sinning’ in the face
of this convention, that culture or religion

Let them speak who claim to know how God
will have His way with men and women who are gay;
no matter who, all humankind deserves a voice
since each of us, gay folks too, blessed with choice
as to what we do, where we go, and how we interpret
Holy Books on peace and love

Too many voices competing with each other
to be heard, obeyed, believed honest, fair and good,
coining the rhetoric of this culture, that religion,
paying a piper to play the tune we all love to hear
who choose to be led by the nose through passages
of time, its corridors of power

Yet, body-mind-spirit offers its human host
no finer wisdom than access to the greater freedom
to be as it would be (not as others might see)
lending conscience and heart a rare peace and love
for an affinity with nature, discovering in its seasons,
a bitter-sweet raison d’ĂȘtre

Copyright R. N. Taber 2015; 2018

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