This blog is especially for gay readers; its aim is to offer support and encouragement to gay people worldwide by way of introducing my poems on a gay theme. Many poems will be taken from my (general) poetry collections; others are new or revised and will appear in future collections in e-format. [NB I have no wish to create a social network, but will always reply to critical emails about my poetry.] Contact:].
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Nerves of Steel OR Gay in Karachi
Monday, 23 July 2018
No Case to Answer OR Gay in Brasilia
A reader living in Brazil has been in touch to say how much he and his partner enjoy living there. I have to say it makes a change to have someone send such a delightful, feel-good email; and it inspired this villanelle.
Saturday, 14 July 2018
Coming in from the Cold OR Gay in Shanghai
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(Photo taken from the Internet] |
This poem is a villanelle
Saturday, 14 April 2018
G-A-Y, Days of Wine and Roses OR At Home with Sexuality
"Perhaps home is not a place but an irrevocable condition."- James Baldwin, Giovanni's Room
Mutely, you crept into my bed
and (finally) giving bigotry
on the back of this or that social, cultural
or religious convention justified
with a clear conscience
as encourages direct action
The next day, we went for breakfast
holding hands, aware of assorted looks and stares
as well as a buzz of conversation
meant to intimidate us though failing miserably
because we were past caring
what others are thinking, we two ordinary people
having just discovered
how the art of being human deserves better than we
fake it for appearances sake,
as if there isn't distress enough in the world
without imposing more
on men and women, boys and girls but endeavouring
to get to know themselves,
as they make their own way in life not as mapped
by well-meaning ‘betters’
Monday, 15 January 2018
The India No One Sees OR Gay in Delhi
At 72+, I suspect my Muse (like me) is less able these days, but have produced the following villanelle for the likes of people like Arijit and his secret love, wherever they may be, living in fear of reprisals by the less enlightened who remain immovably entrenched in one form or another of socio-cultural-religious dogma.
Friday, 12 January 2018
No longer a young man (in my 70's now) but still a shameless romantic, I was thrilled to discover a Doris Day album called My Heart available on cd with songs from 1985/1986 that I had not heard before. Doris was in her 60's then (turned 80 now) her voice as magical as ever.
Ah, but it's GOOD to know this clinical, sceptical Age of Technology has not killed off love and romance, and hopefully never will....
Now, readers sometimes get in touch to ask why I don’t publish my poems on a gay theme separately rather than include them in broader collections. ‘Mark’ complains that I am ‘letting down the gay minority by pandering to the straight majority.’
Oh, and how...?
As a gay man, I hope gay readers will enjoy many of my poems, and not just the gay-interest ones. I also hope that many straight readers will enjoy some of my gay-interest poems as well as those on other themes. We are, after all, a common humanity, so why publish a volume of gay-interest poems that will only be read by gay people? There is, surely, a greater need to educate the gay-unfriendly among us then preach to the converted?
As for the poem below, it is a poem about the spiritual as well as physical nature of love for which neither the gay minority nor heterosexual majority worldwide can claim to have a monopoly while those that condemn gay relationships plainly know little or nothing about love anyway. I am posting it here simply because feedback suggests many gay readers (all ages) who visit this blog (still) adore our Doris. Hopefully, though, it will be likewise enjoyed by the mixed gay/straight readership following my Google+ site.
Your body engages with mine
in a purposeful embrace destined
to last a lifetime
Your tongue paints over graffiti
daubed on my flesh by other lovers
for the hell of it
Your lips promise nothing less
than a fine re-working of passion’s
greater artistry
Your hands re-work my body,
exploring its potential, overlooked
by amateurish brush strokes
Your desires make new inroads
where previously only sex has left
muddy prints
Your love re-writes the bible
of sex passed down to me by lesser
My body engages with yours
in a spiritual embrace destined
to last a lifetime
Copyright R. N. Taber 2010
[Note: First published under the title 'Engaging with Love' in On the Battlefields of Love by R. N. Taber, Assembly Books 2010; rev. version in e-format in preparation.[