Mutely, you crept into my bed
and I froze, all of me, heart and soul,
fingers, thumbs and toes,
eyes tightly shut, dreams on hold
of what might happen
once open wide, acknowledging
your body close to mine,
caving to desires archived in denial
for years, words left unsaid
rounding on me (yet again) demanding
I turn over, face you, get real,
let our holiday hotel see the start
of our truly getting to know
each other all over again, kids no more
but the grown-ups we are
Your body closed in on me
and I could barely breathe for joy
of your invading my space,
entering a door in this body-mind-spirit
left ajar for emotions
such as these to surface, encouraged
by shared feelings engulfing me,
and (finally) giving bigotry
the old heave-ho whose acolytes
so love to gang up on us,
on the back of this or that social, cultural
or religious convention justified
only by tailoring dogma to address,
excuse and embrace all its prejudices
with a clear conscience
I turned over, opening eyes
(eventually) looking directly into yours,
holding your searching gaze,
hoping you'd discern what I was thinking,
(knowing for sure you could)
begging you satisfy a desperate longing
in me for you to break
with macho-man taboos, your lips
on mine, a kiss to end years
of making out we were just mates so we all
but convinced ourselves
it was true, warding off any moment of truth,
daring us accept the challenge
to all humanity, be positive about our identity
or play patsy to conformity
I watched the certainty in your face
give way to old doubts, read new fears there
(would I reject him...?)
I had to take the lead if only to prevent tears
in his eyes brimming over,
inviting mine (not far away) drowning us both
in a sea of conflicting thoughts
threatening to force natural instincts back
into that hell we'd dreamed
of escaping on lonely pillows made for sharing
since schooldays when sexuality
had no voice in classrooms for fear of offending
parents whose notions of education
exclude bringing kids to such self-awareness
as encourages direct action
I took the plunge, held and kissed you,
all lingering doubts dissolving into nothingness,
instantly replaced by a fullness
second to none, two hearts now beating as one,
a sense of coming alive again
like nature in spring rain opening up to potential,
making Earth Mother offerings
of pink blossom, green leaves, petals pf daffodil
and tulip, shoots of grass passaging
mud and worms to give every human being cause
to rejoice in birth and renewal
instead of constantly maligning winter’s approach
to a dreary status quo
feeding all manner of discontent to roots put down
with certain expectations
The next day, we went for breakfast
holding hands, aware of assorted looks and stares
as well as a buzz of conversation
meant to intimidate us though failing miserably
because we were past caring
what others are thinking, we two ordinary people
having just discovered
how the art of being human deserves better than we
fake it for appearances sake,
as if there isn't distress enough in the world
without imposing more
on men and women, boys and girls but endeavouring
to get to know themselves,
as they make their own way in life not as mapped
by well-meaning ‘betters’
Years on, a photo of You-Me-Us on that holiday
continues to assert how it’s good to be gay
Copyright R. N. Taber 2018
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