Saturday 2 April 2011

A Feeling for Fantasy OR Nature Onside

A whimsical poem with a serious message today, requested by Imogen for her partner Jayne. It appears that, like me, Jayne has always loved fantasy fiction.

From the age of about ten, I, too loved to explore the world of myth and legend and would head directly for that section in my local public library even before trying out the delights of children's fiction.

My penchant for fantasy has found its way into many of my poems, poorly disguised as metaphor. In some ways, it as much escapism from a harsh reality now as it was for me all those years ago.

Some readers might enjoy my 'Mamelon' fantasy novels serialised on my fiction blog; the blog includes gay and general fiction of which Mamelon, though, is the latter:


Strolling by fields of barley, wheat and rye,
my love and I sought lasting rest and peace;
twin spirits hungry for sanctuary,
weary of a world always judging us

We reached woodlands alive with leafy song,
a sonata for lovers everywhere,
paused to ask a tree nymph for its blessing,
keen to turn our backs on urban despair

The nymph warned it was born of the country,
bound by the countryside’s own moral code,
had only heard tales of urbanity,
a Grim Reaper harvesting swathes of road

Such peace here! “For us, too, a gay couple?”
“Ah,” says nymph, “that depends on people.”

[From: A Feeling For The Quickness Of Time by R. N. Taber, Assembly Books, 2005]

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