Regular readers will know that I had realized I am gay by the time I was 14 years-old. As a teenager and young man, I despaired of being gay. I was not ashamed, but gay relationships were a criminal offence and I saw no future in being far more attracted to my own sex than to women. It took me some years – and a nervous breakdown – to fully understand that I was not the one at fault but the society in which I had grown up. Even so, I was in and out of that awful closet for years and it was not until my late 30's that I came out and stayed out.
Being openly gay was (and still is) a liberating experience although it would take a good few more years yet before same sex relationships – even marriage – would acquire legal if not (entirely) social, cultural or religious acceptance here in the UK. Now, at 70, I can still vividly recall those early years in the proverbial closet and feel for those gay boys and girls, men and woman around the world who, by no fault of their own but the genes with which they were born, are made to feel obliged to remain there.
It will be to the 21st century’s credit if, at least by the end of it, the heterosexual majority worldwide has come to terms with the fact that all gay people deserve better than to be discriminated against simply for their sexuality.
The world is a dark place,
its nature shows a cruel face,
neither time nor space
(it seems) for someone like me?
Yet, the world is a huge place
and nature has a kind face
so a time and space (surely?)
for someone like me
The world is my enemy,
its nature dead set against me,
fat chance against history
(it seems) for people like me?
Yet, somewhere, a friend
will (surely?) fight
to the end of time and space
to the end of time and space
for people like me
Not by nature's grace
are we come to this dark place,
but by human nature's bias
against people like us;
against people like us;
yet sun shines and moon,
and a time soon enough
needs must humanity open up
to people like us
Where do we (all) go from here?
Need to do better, try harder...
Need to do better, try harder...
Copyright R. N. Taber 1963; 2018
[Note: Written 1963 (while still at school); rediscovered and revised 2018.]
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