Monday, 16 September 2013

Time, Trickster

Although some 600+ of my poems have appeared in various poetry publications since 1993 (excluding any that have only appeared in my collections) very few of these have been on a gay theme. Today’s poem is one of the few; it first appeared in Poetic Designs, Poetry Now (Forward Press) 2004 and in final volume of my Love and Human Remains quartet the following year.

I suspect most if not all of us keep at least a few regrets close to the heart...


We walked by the sea
my true love and I…
dreaming, longing to be
as free as doves in the sky
above us

It had been a lovely day,
but twilight had fallen,
certain to take you away,
no help for it, odds stacked
against us

Though years fly past
like those doves,
ours remains the dream
I keep closest, and watching
over us

Never a good time then
for two gay men...

Copyright R. N. Taber 2005; 2013

[Note: An earlier version of this poem appears under the title 'Too Soon, Too Late' in A Feeling for the Quickness of Time by R. N. Taber, Assembly Books, 2005.]

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