Sunday, 1 June 2014

A Singular Take on Moon Shadows

Whatever our ethnicity, creed, gender or sexuality, love does not discriminate. Moreover, its continuum across time and space contributes positively to our future, leaving the small-minded, ignorant, socio-cultural-religious bigots among behind for all their hue and cry…

I may speak as a gay man, but of course it isn't only gay people worldwide who are attacked for falling in love and leaping socio-cultural-religious trenches. We only have to look at the Sudan right now where a Muslim woman faces a barbaric death for falling in love with and marrying a Christian. Others, too, worldwide are persecuted for various socio-cultural-religious reasons. Whatever happened to civilisation...?

Now I well remember gazing into the night sky with my late partner many years ago. We were going through a rough patch at the time although our troubles were coming at us from outside not inside our relationship. ‘Hey, look, he cried, ‘The Old Man in the Moon is smiling. Well, he must be able to see what we can’t from all those light years away so I guess we should stop worrying, take each day as it comes happy, yeah?'

I agreed, so we did, and we were during the short time we had together before he died. Even so, love never dies and we remain close.


We lay, my gay love and I,
in craters of the moon,
watching satellites crash by,
guiding stars shot down;
of sanctuary, we saw no sign
for such as you and I,
and only craters of the moon
offered us even shelter

Saw the galaxy disintegrate
as The Old Man warned
humanity of tempting a fate
worse than Armageddon
save for we who shall remain
to dare live and let live,
give our all to starting over
in peace and love

In time, may all gay lovers lie
among craters of the moon,
guiding lights in a darker sky
than any heavens deserve,
on the killing fields of bigotry,
see politics and religion
surrender centuries of hypocrisy
to a common humanity

Gay lovers, see the Old Man smile
and go (for us) that extra mile

Copyright R. N. Taber 2008, rev. 2014 

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