Sunday 11 March 2012

It's No Different If You're Gay

Straight and gay friends alike have told me how they thought they had found the love of their lives, only to discover that all he or she wanted was sex.

Now, I'm not knocking sex, but so many of us are in love with the idea of falling in love, and good sex can be very persuasive.  Love, though, now that's something else, and if sex was good before, love adds a whole new dimension and meaning. There is a whole lot more to love than good sex. Believe me, I know...

Loss, grief, pain, love, relief, happiness, joy...all are feelings common to everyone.

I can only say (and should not need to) that...


Sunshine threw a veil across the sea,
keeping you from me
as we shared the heat of frantic kisses
in anxious embraces;
lithe limbs, every contour of your face,
I dared trace…
among the smouldering ashes of noon,
promises made at dawn

Against your body’s rhythmic heaving,
the poetry of leave-taking
exploded love’s bitter-sweetness in me
(myth v reality?);
Clouds, like exhausted lovers sprawled
on a water bed
turned to the mechanics of bland gesture
signifying bad weather

We put into harbour barely interacting
with each other,
you so distant, anxious to drop anchor
and dash ashore;
a storm broke, but unexpectedly mild,
like the tears of child,
for no better reason than a desire to cry
as did I…

There would be other lovers, other times,
and other poems;
more storms, too, I could be sure of that
and keep a look-out;
yet, if that day on the water played tricks
on me with sex
I took for love, I’d learned the hard way,
it’s no different if you’re gay
[From: On the Battlefields of Love by R. N. Taber, Assembly Books, 2010]

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