Saturday 31 March 2012

For (Another) Lost Soldier

Too often, I hear people discussing the whole idea of gay men and women in the armed forces with utter contempt. As regular readers of my books and/or blogs will know, I express my frustration and anger in poems from my earliest to latest collections. 

In some countries, it is no longer illegal to be gay in the armed forces, but gay men and women serving at home and overseas have told me they still need to keep quiet about their sexuality or colleagues (and commanders) would make their lives unbearable. One soldier told me he married a lesbian so they could keep up appearances and carry on with jobs they love doing, and do well, while secretly assuming the lifestyle nature intended for them. It is an appalling indictment on a so-called 'civilised' society.

So what has courage, skill and taking life-threatening risks on a daily basis got to do with sexuality, eh?


Once, summer tapped
me on the shoulder,
murmured in my ear,
and when I turned
I saw a soldier - in full

Asked the way to heaven
knows where - but
I hardly caught a word
as the full curve
of his mouth cut me
like a sword

Voice teasing, haunting
eyes like an owl’s
ripping at my clothes,
baring the soul...
I gladly surrendered
my all

A woman took his arm,
smiled with the charm
of Eve at Adam’s side;
the soldier winked
as they moved on - and
I sighed

He hadn’t lied

Copyright R, N. Taber 2002; 2012

[Note: This poem has been (very) slightly revised from the original as it appeared in an anthology, Where Your Thoughts Take You, Poetry Now (Forward Press) 2003 following publication of First Person Plural by R. N. Taber. 2002.]

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