Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Growing Old with Pride

Readers often comment that I appear to be having a love affair with rhyme.

Is it ‘a generation thing’ they want to know, perhaps because most modern poetry is blank verse, and all the more abstract for it. Well, maybe it’s ‘a generation thing’ and maybe not. Whatever, I find rhyme a useful tool in getting my meanings across without the reader having to struggle to understand various abstracts.  As far as I am concerned, there are no hard and fast rights or wrongs about writing poetry except for critics of the nit-picking variety.

I do write blank verse occasionally, but I find rhyme - including internal and ‘hidden’ rhyme – brings me closer to the reader, and hopefully vice versa.

I will be 70 this year and get so fed up with people of my generation – gay and straight, male and female – heaving sighs of regret for all they haven’t done with their lives.  We need to harvest what we have done, memories of people and places collected along the way, and take pleasure in the trains of thought these generate instead of complaining about the quickness of time leaving us only too little of it to spare. Besides, it is never too late to start giving Time a run for its o'clocks...

A reader who says he hates rhyming verse also writes in now and then to ask, ‘why do you bother with the gay stuff?’ Well, why not, since I am gay?

Enough said…


Much of life may have passed me by,
much of love left me (so) alone,
much of truth left me high and dry,
its flair for logic cut me to the bone

Much of time has seen dreams fail me,
much of space left me in freefall,
much of dogma done its best to nail me
to this tarred fence, that graffiti wall

Much of society, I’d prefer not to serve
much as a sentence without parole;
much of the world, we can but observe
turns on china plate or begging bowl

Much of my body has failed to treasure
harvest moons stumbled across,
much of my mind, to conventions told
a lion’s share of lies…at no great loss

Yet, for the life of me, adrenalin flows
for the loves it has known and live on
where a Joy of Being flowers and grows,
regardless of time, space, or reason

For much of me looking back with regret,
more of me lives for each new day;
more of me still, to nature, forever in debt,
not least for birthing me human and gay 

Copyright R. N. Taber 2015

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