Thursday, 24 September 2015

Closet Lives

Years ago, I had a fling with an Austrian guy called Günter. He was not openly gay in Germany, but enjoyed being so with me here in London. (I have lived in London 30+ years.)  We had a great time, seeing London - including a few gay bars, most of which have since closed down - and getting to know each other better.  The affair only lasted two weeks, and then he returned to Austria. We kept in touch for a while, but there was no Internet then and neither of us was good at writing letters. (Post-Internet generations are so lucky in as much as it is so easy to keep in touch with people by e-mail, even Instant Messaging.) 

I have often wondered if Günter ever took the plunge and came out to family and friends as he was very unhappy about not telling them. He asked me what I thought he should do, but I never give advice, only express an opinion. If he was unhappy, I said, he needed to do something about it. He agreed, but seemed doubtful so I often wonder…

It is a curious phenomenon, unhappiness; hard, near impossible to put aside, but can and needs to be superseded by a life focusing on sufficient satisfaction if not joy to keep it in the shade where it belongs. Like many trite sayings, there is much truth in ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way.’ More often than not, the way is neither easy nor plain sailing, especially in the shorter term.

Whatever, it is always a good start, achieving peace of mind, in one sense if not another…and who knows what lies ahead?  Nor is it so different for gay people coming out of a dark, lonely, closet than for heterosexuals harbouring secrets they would prefer not to keep but fear the consequences of breaking their silence?  

Most if not all of us tell lies sometimes, but we are kidding ourselves to suggest it does no real harm. Oh, yes, we tell truths too.  The trouble is humankind tends to have different versions of each. Most lies - and just as many home truths - invariably hurt someone, somewhere. Better then to develop a greater affinity with truth, and be less judgemental even if it doesn't happen to coincide with our own version of it?


Shadowy stalker,
haunting you day and night,
however hard you try
to put me out of your mind
with various distractions,
given that even the human spirit
(easy prey to convention)
sees me as a tough adversary,
never easily defeated

Whatever fine strategy
you may devise to put me down,
I come up with another,
and we lock horns, you trying
to beat me at my own game
while I play dirty, reminding you
of all you stand to lose
if you so choose to give the heart
its straining head

Yes, I play dirty, and well,
teasing inner selves with scenarios
that would have any victory 
of mine a petty, piecemeal affair 
compared any peace of mind
my silence offers, whose riptide 
ever closing in as you run
for cover, having known no better
than secrets and lies

Playing hide-and-seek in your space,
I am Conscience, its saving grace

Copyright R. N. Taber 2015

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