Friday, 17 July 2020

Freedom, Beacon of Hope in a Darkening World

The poem below can still be found in my general poetry blog archives for 2016; a reader in Poland has asked me to repeat it here as he thinks “my gay friends will like it, but they don’t visit your general blog …”  Feedback suggests that many gay readers rarely if ever dip into my other poetry blog because, as this same reader says “…we don’t think it is relevant to us.” While I can understand that, it saddens me because poetry is an Open House; we may not always agree with or even like what we find there, but … blame the poet if you must, not the poem. 

Many years ago, one of my teachers once described freedom to the class as the best of human spirit personified. I agree, though I guess it all depends on an incorrupt spirit and a sense of freedom for everyone, not a select few.  

Whatever, we should never take personal freedom for granted, always resist any efforts by anyone to undermine it, moreover understand and accept that it can mean different things to different people while much the same force for good.

The Covid-19 threatens our personal freedoms like few human repressive forces, not least in the sense that it is an invisible enemy; we can but do much the same as when confronted by any enemy, resist it as best we can.


In some parts of the world,
all paths to Freedom are (still) blocked
by power-hungry rulers
living in the lap of luxury where others
go hungry, and can but dream
of running fresh, clean, water from a tap
that’s close to hand

In some parts of the world,
all paths to Freedom are (still) haunted
by fighters who lost battles,
but inspired others to continue the war
against the sickest corruption
in the highest places, best feet forward
to global markets

In some parts of the world,
all paths to Freedom (still) ringing out
loud and clear with howls
of protest punctuated with the shrapnel,
gunfire, and tear gas
that, oh, so often accompanies integrity
even in a 21st century

In some parts of the world,
all paths to Freedom are (still) littered
with human bones,
occasionally with name tags attached,
others are identified only
by such natural categories as ethnicity
and, yes, sexuality

In some part of the world,
all paths to Freedom are (still) haunted
by voices of the dead,
inspiring men, women, and children
to take greater pride
than many so-called ‘betters’ in rallying
round a flag with pride

In some parts of the world,
heterosexuality is promoted true enough
to hot-blooded stereotype,
some falling for the honeyed-up hype
of tongues, sly and zealous,
while others continue to call for a culture
of Freedom for all of us 

Copyright R. N. Taber 2014; 2020

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