Friday, 20 March 2020


I am so fed-up with many religious minded people (not all, thank goodness since a significant minority manage to resist the usual brainwashing and reconcile their religious beliefs with open hearts and minds) telling me that same sex lovers are committing blasphemy.  For my own part, how can I blaspheme against something I don’t believe in?

Regular readers know my views only too well. Even if I were of a religious orientation, I cannot believe any God would condemn anyone for their sexuality. Moreover, my early interpretation of the New Testament (long before I was old enough to realise I am gay) is that Jesus, for one, would agree.

Besides, there are other things going on in the world that should give us all far greater concern than who sleeps with whom, not least the coronavirus pandemic.

Oh, but I so love this quote by Dr Seuss: 'Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.'

This poem is a villanelle.


Branding gay lovers blasphemers,
those wolves robed in sheep’s clothing
calling for world peace at prayers

How dare they judge us for sinners,
(relishing a holier-than-thou posturing)
branding gay lovers blasphemers?

Taking us for fools, many Believers
known to compromise on their fasting,
calling for world peace at prayers

No faith would make us its prisoners
or sacrifice us to some clerics' gathering
branding gay lovers blasphemers

Taking us for scapegoats, deceivers
failing to practise what they’re preaching,
calling for world peace at prayers

Last seen touting homemade blinkers,
courtesy of rhetoric well worth exploiting,
branding gay lovers blasphemers,
calling for world peace at prayers

Copyright R. N. Taber 2009

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